Custom Practice Test - 09-Aug (2024)



In an experiment, the percentage errors that occurred in the measurement of physical quantities \(A,\) \(B,\) \(C,\) and \(D\) are \(1\%\), \(2\%\), \(3\%\), and \(4\%\)respectively. Then, the maximum percentage of error in the measurement of \(X,\) where\(X=\frac{A^2 B^{\frac{1}{2}}}{C^{\frac{1}{3}} D^3}\), will be:
1. \(10\%\)


A physical quantity \(P\) is given by\(P=\dfrac{A^3 B^{1/2}}{C^{-4}D^{3/2}}.\)The quantity which contributes the maximum percentage error in \(P\) is:



Dimensions of magnetic field intensity is
(1) [M0L1T0A1]
(2) [MLT1A1]
(3) [ML0T2A1]
(4) [MLT2A]


The dimension of12ε0Ε2,whereε0is permittivity of free space andEis electric field, is


A Screw Guage gives the following readings when used to measure the diameter of a wire.
Main scale reading = 0.0 mm
Circular scale reading = 52 divisions
Given that: 1 mm on the main scale corresponds to 100 divisions of the circular scale.
The diameter of the wire from the above data is:
1. 0.026 cm
2. 0.005 cm
3. 0.52 cm
4. 0.052 cm


Given the equation\(\left(P+\frac{a}{V^2}\right)(V-b)=\text {constant}\). The units of \(a\) will be: (where \(P\) is pressure and \(V\) is volume)
1.\(\text{dyne} \times \text{cm}^5\)
2.\(\text{dyne} \times \text{cm}^4\)
3.\(\text{dyne} / \text{cm}^3\)
4.\(\text{dyne} / \text{cm}^2\)


Which of the following is the smallest unit?
(1) Millimetre
(2) Angstrom
(3) Fermi
(4) Metre


The unit of thermal conductivity is:

1.W m–1K–12.J m K–1
3.J m–1K–14.W m K–1


In SI, Henry is the unit of
(1) Self inductance
(2) Mutual inductance
(3) (1) and (2) both
(4) None of the above


The dimensions of CV2 matches with the dimensions of
(1) L2I
(2) L2I 2
(3) LI2
(4) 1LI


Which is the correct unit for measuring nuclear radii
(1) Micron
(2) Millimetre
(3) Angstrom
(4) Fermi


Unit of power is:
(1) Kilowatt
(2) Kilowatt-hour
(3) Dyne
(4) Joule


Dimensional formula for torque is
(1) L2MT2
(2) L1MT2
(3) L2MT3
(4) LMT2


A student measures the mass of an object five times. The data are 2.46 kg, 2.47 kg, 2.42 kg, 2.41 kg and 2.44 kg. The reported mean mass with error should be:
1. 2.44 ± 0.01 kg
2. 2.44 ± 0.02 kg
3. 2.44 ± 0.03 kg
4. 2.44 ± 0.04 kg



A cube has a numerically equal volume and surface area. The volume of such a cube is :
1. 216 units
2. 1000 units
3. 2000 units
4. 3000 units


The dimensional formula for young's modulus is
(1) ML1T2
(2) M0LT2
(3) MLT–2
(4) ML2T2


Unit of energy in SI system is
(1) Erg
(2) Calorie
(3) Joule
(4) Electron volt


A body travels uniformly a distance of (13.8± 0.2) m in a time (4.0 ± 0.3) sec. The velocity of the body within error limits is:
1. (3.45 ± 0.2) ms-1
2. (3.45 ± 0.3) ms-1
3. (3.45 ± 0.4) ms-1
4. (3.45 ± 0.5) ms-1


A small steel ball of radius r is allowed to fall under gravity through a column of a viscous liquid of coefficient of viscosity η. After some time the velocity of the ball attains a constant value known as terminal velocity vT. The terminal velocity depends on (i) the mass of the ball m, (ii) η, (iii) r and (iv) acceleration due to gravity g. Which of the following relations is dimensionally correct?


If L,Q,R represent inductance, charge and resistance respectively, the units of
[This question includes concepts from 12th syllabus]
1.QRLwill be those of current
2.Q2R3L2will be those of energy
3.QLRwill be those of current
4.Q3R2Lwill be those of power



A metal M forms a compound M2HPO4. The formula of the metal sulfate is:
1. M2SO4
2. MSO4
3. M(SO4)2
4. M2(SO4)3


5 mL of a gaseous hydrocarbon was exposed to 30 mL ofO2. The resultant gas, on cooling is found to measure 25 mL of which 10 mL is absorbed by NaOH and the remainder by pyrogallol. Determine molecular formula of hydrocarbon. All measurements are made at constant room temperature.
1. CH4
2. C2H2
3. C3H4


The same number of molecules as 16 g of dioxygen is present in:
1. 16 g O3
2. 16 g SO2
3. 32 g SO2
4. All of the above


How many moles of magnesium phosphate,Mg3(PO4)2will contain 0.25 mole of oxygen atoms?
1. 0.02


A gaseous mixture of propane and butane of volume 3 litre on complete combustion produces 11.0 litreCO2under standard conditions of temperature and pressure. The ratio of volume of butane to propane is:
1. 1 : 2
2. 2 : 1
3. 3 : 2
4. 3 : 1


What is the [OH-] in the final solution prepared by mixing 20.0 mL of 0.050 M HCl with30.0 mL of 0.10 M Ba(OH)2?
1. 0.10 M
2. 0.40 M
3. 0.0050 M
4. 0.12 M


lf NAis Avogadro's number, then the number of valence electrons in 4.2 g of nitride ions (N3-) will be:

1.3.2 NA2.1.6 NA
3.2.4 NA4.1.2 NA


A metal nitrideM3N2contains 28% of nitrogen. The atomic mass of metal M is:
1. 24
2. 54
3. 9
4. 87.62


Dehydration of cyclohexanol yields cyclohexene in 75% yield. How much of cyclohexene will be obtained from 100g of cyclohexanol?
1. 75.0g
2. 61.5g
3. 82.0g
4. 41.0g


One mole of elements X has 0.44 times the mass of one mole of element Y. One atom of elements X has 2.96 times the mass of one atom of12C. What is the atomic weight of Y?
1. 80
2. 15.77
3. 46.67
4. 40.0


The molality of pure water is:
1. 1 m
2. 18 m
3. 55.5 m
4. None of the above


The number of moles of KMnO4 reduced by one mole of KI in an alkaline medium is-
1. One fifth
2. Five
3. One
4. Two


A 5 molar solution of H2SO4is diluted from 1 litre to a volume of 10 litres, the normality of the solution will be -
1. 0.5 N
2. 1.0 N
3. 2.5 N
4. 5 N


KClO3 on heating decomposes to KCl and O2. The volume of O2 at STP liberated by 0.1 mole KClO3 is
1. 4.36 L
2. 3.36 L
3. 2.36 L
4. None of these



At S.T.P. the density of CCl4 vapour in g/L will be nearest to [CBSE PMT 1988]
(1) 6.84
(2) 3.42
(3) 10.26
(4) 4.57


25.3 g of Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 is dissolved in enough water to make 250 mL of
solution. If sodium carbonate dissociates completely, molar concentration of sodium ion,
Na+ and carbonate ionCO32-are respectively (Molar mass of Na2CO3 = 106 g mol-1)
1. 0.955 M and 1.910 M
2. 1.910 M and 0.955 M
3. 1.90 M and 1.910 M
4. 0.477 M and 0.477 M


It is known that atom contains protons, neutrons and electrons. If the mass of neutron is assumed to half of its original value whereas that of proton is assumed to be twice of its original value then the atomic mass ofC614will be:
1. same
2. 14.28% less
3. 14.28% more
4. 28.56% less


Calculate the number of ions present in 2L of a solution of 1.6 M K4[Fe(CN)6]:

1.4.8 x 10222.4.8 x 1023
3.9.6 x 10244.9.6 x 1022


2.0 g sample contain mixture ofSiO2andFe2O3, on very strong heating leave a residue weighing 1.96 g. The reaction responsible for loss of weight isFe2O3sFe3O4s+O2g(unbalance equation)
What is the percentage by mass ofSiO2in original sample?
1. 10%
2. 20%
3. 40%
4. 60%


2.0 g sample containingNa2CO3andNaHCO3loses 0.248 g when heated to 300°C, the temperature at whichNaHCO3decomposes toNa2CO3,CO2andH2O. What is the % ofNa2CO3in mixture?



Dicotyledonae represents
a. Class
b. Order
c. Division
d. Genus

42. Monkey, gorilla, gibbon, tiger, cat and dog do not belong to the same:



Systematics does not include-
1. Identification
2. Nomenclature
3. Classification
4. Evolutionary relationships between environment and organisms


Taxonomic studies are not useful in
a. Agriculture
b. Industry
c. Knowing our bio-resources and their biodiversity
d. Measuring field capacity

45. Select the option that does not represent the taxa at different levels
1. Chordate, Mammal, Dog
2. Animal, Insect, Butterfly
3. Plant, Monocot, Wheat
4. Mammal, Insect, Dicot

Given below are two statements:

Assertion(A):There is a need to standardise the naming of living organisms such that a particular organisms such that a particular organism is known by the same name all over the world
Reason(R):Local names vary from place to place which create confusion
1.Both(A)and(R)are true and(R)is the correct explanation of(A).
2.Both(A)and(R)are true but(R)is not the correct explanation of(A).
3.(A)is true but(R)is false.
4.Both(A)and(R)are false.

47. Which of the following is a correct match between the biological name and the order of the organism?
1. hom*o sapiens – Hominidae
2. Mangifera indica - Anacardiaceae
3. Triticum aestivum - Poaceae
4. Mangifera indica - Sapindales

48. Nomenclature is governed by certain universal rules. Which one of the following is contrary to the rules of nomenclature?

1.The first word in a biological name represents the genus name and the second is a specific epithet.
2.The names are derived from Latin and written in italics.
3.When written by hand, the names are to be underlined.
4.Biological names can be written in any language.


What is prerequisite for nomenclature?

1.Description of organism
2.Knowledge of which organism is considered for a particular name
4.All are correct


The suffix that denotes the taxonomic category 'Family' in plants would be
(1) -ae
(2) -aceae
(3) -ales
(4) -nae


Classes’ together form…… plants.
a. Phylum
b. Division
c. Kingdom
d. Order


The prime source of taxonomic studies is
a. Classification of correct specimen
b. Identification of specimen
c. Collection of actual specimen
d. Knowing the biodiversity value of specimen

53. The branch of biology that deals with the relationships of different groups of organisms and examines their natural variation and relationships is known as:


Given below are two statements:

Assertion(A):Members of a family has less similarities than members of a genus
Reason(R):Number of similar characters decrease as we go higher in taxonomical hierarchy
1.Both(A)and(R)are true and(R)is the correct explanation of(A).
2.Both(A)and(R)are true but(R)is not the correct explanation of(A).
3.(A)is true but(R)is false.
4.Both(A)and(R)are false.



Sapindales is which taxon?
a. Order
b. Class
c. Genus
d. Species


Which of the following statement is incorrect?
1.Taxa can indicate categories at very different levels.
2. systematics takes into account evolutionary
relationship between organisms.
3. Modern taxonomy do not take into account
ecological information about organisms.
4. Each rank or taxon represents unit of classification.


The correct definition of the genus may be:-
1. Genus is an aggregate of distantly related species
2. Genus is a group of species present in a given area
3. Genus is an aggregate of closely related species
4. Genus is a group species present in a common habitat


By increasing the area of observation…..and ……… of organisms will increase.
1. Size and variety
2. Range and variety
3. Efficiency and range
4. Growth and variety


Select the correctly written complete scientific name of Mango which was first described by Carolus Linnaeus:
1. Mangifera Indica
2. Mangifera indica Car. Linn.
3. Mangifera indica Linn.
4. Mangifera indica


Match the following entities of column I with their respective orders of column II and choose the correct combination from the option.
Custom Practice Test - 09-Aug (1)

1. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
2. A-1 B-2 C-4 D-3
3. A-3 B-4 C-2 D-1
4. A-2 B-4 C-1 D-3



Chordates are characterized by some specific characters. Which of the following is not true about chordates?
1. Notochord is present
2. Dorsal myogenic heart is present
3. A post-anal tail is present
4. Pharynx is perforated by gill slits


In Cnidarians the digestion is
4.Both 1 and 2


Incorrect statement about the given diagram is
Custom Practice Test - 09-Aug (2)
(1)Pentaradial symmetry
(2)Have power of regeneration
(3)Each arm contains a pair of sex organs
(4)None of these


Following are the characteristics of an organisms
A. Polyp phase is absent in its life cycle
B. Radially symmetrical and devoid of cnidoblast cells
C. The body bears eight external rows of ciliated comp plates, which help in locomotion
D. Bioluminescence is well marked
Identify the organisms:
1. Ctenoplana
2. Aurelia
3. Physalia
4. Obelia


In the given table, some organisms are classified into categories. However, there is one exception. Select the option with correctly mentioned exceptional organism.

Organisms CategoryException
1.Penicillium, Aspergillus, Mucor FungiMucor
2.Cacti, Venus flytrapPlantsCacti
3.Ascaris, Nereis, WuchereriaAschelminthesNereis
4.Scorpion, Prawn, AnophelesArthropodaPrawn


What is the number of animals, amongst the animals given below, that have both a four-chambered heart and endothermy?
Crocodilus, Aptendytes, Canis, Calotes, Struthio, Delphinus, Testudo, Ichthyophis



Which of the feature is not present in amphibia?
1. Scales are present
2. Most of them have two pairs of limbs for locomotion
3. Eyes have eyelids
4. Organisms are coid-blooded


Which of the following can't be taken as a typical character of echinoderms?
1. Adult anus derived from the embryonic blastopore
2. Enterocoelous coelom
3. Mesodermal endoskeleton
4. Well developed excretory system


Which among the following has four chambered heart?
1. Vipera
2. Crocodilus
3. Testudo
4. Hemidactylus


A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return to the ocean is
(1) Eptatretus
(2) Myxine
(3) Neomyxine
(4) Petromyzon


Vertebrates and seastars may seen as different as two
animal groups can be, yet they share
1. The same type of body symmetry as adults.
2. A high degree of cephalization.
3. Certain developmental pattern, including the type
of coelom formation.
4. The presence of endoskeleton that include


How many of the following statement is true for Water Vascular System?
(1)It is composed of a central ring canal from which radial canals extend
(2)Tube like appendages called tube feet is present
(3)It is a modification of one of the several coelomic spaces.
(4)It works like hydraulic system.
(5) Water enters the Water Vascular System through a madreporite.
(6) When the muscles in the tube feet contract the tube foot bends and pull the animal forward.
1. 6
2. 5
3. 4
4. 3


Which of the following is true for the given diagram?
Custom Practice Test - 09-Aug (3)
2.Member of Crustacea
3.Green glands is present for excretion
4.All of the above

74. Given below are two statements:

Assertion(A):Body of a mollusc is segmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump.
Reason(R):Shell is secreted by visceral hump over the mantle.
1.Both(A)and(R)are true and(R)is the correct explanation of(A).
2.Both(A)and(R)are true but(R)is not the correct explanation of(A).
3.(A)is true but(R)is false.
4.Both(A)and(R)are false.



Cnidocytes are used for
3.Capturing of prey
4.All of these


In which of these examples are the members exclusively chondrichthyes
(1) Scoliodon, Pristis, Labeo, Betta
(2) Scoliodon, Pristis, Betta, Trygon
(3) Scoliodon, Trygon, Pristis, Carcharodon
(4) Scoliodon, labeo, Carcharodon, Pristis


The diagram below shows the body plan of a:
Custom Practice Test - 09-Aug (4)

3.Cartilaginous fish4.Bony fish


Which of the following is not a member of Arthropoda?
1.Silver fish
3.House spider
4.Cuttle fish

79. Given below are two statements:

Assertion(A):Body of roundworms is circular in cross-section.
Reason(R):Their coelom is incompletely lined by mesoglea.
1.Both(A)and(R)are true and(R)is the correct explanation of(A).
2.Both(A)and(R)are true but(R)is not the correct explanation of(A).
3.(A)is true but(R)is false.
4.Both(A)and(R)are false.


Which of the following is not with a open circulatory system?
1. Tunicates
2. Non-cephalopod molluscs
3. Hemichordates
4. Earthworm

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Custom Practice Test - 09-Aug (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.