Spoiler - The Fake Rides in a Flower Klin/A Fairy-Tale Ending For A Fake/가짜는 꽃가마를 탄다 (2025)

In the end, it was only Rodrick, the youngest of the brothers, who looks like he will hopefully change for the better. He's the only one who acknowledged that Odette was the one who saved their lives and thanked her. He also was really disappointed in the eldest brother Mikhail and the only one who acknowleged Berry as the new successor. Still, since their relationship (Odette and Rodrick) was already so strained, besides the fact that he was the meanest to Odette before, they still could not form a good sibling relationship. At most they'll probably still be awkward around each other.

The worst trash of the brothers is the eldest Mikhail. Throughout the novel -until before the climax, I thought he will change for the better because he seemed the most decent out of the three, but NO, like the Duke, I was so so disappointed and disgusted by him. He is a misogynist. The duke said that he's not only unqualified as a successor, he also is not qualified to be a husband. He really deserved to be kicked out of his successor position. He's so disgusting as a human being that I feel so sad for the Duke and Duchess for having a son like him. I thought he was someone so caring to his newly returned sister but he's just a trash that looks down on women.

Colin, the second son, is also trash but there's not much to say about him cause he never really had much role in the novel. He was a typical trash that only blindly follows the eldest, he didn't have moment like Rodrick's -when he acknowledged being saved by odette, and he also didn't acknowledge berry as the new heir when it was first announced by the duke.

The things these three have done to Odetter were so awful. Thankfully Berry came back as the long lost daughter who hates noblemen and has only sided with Odette from the start.
In this novel, only the Duke and Berry treated Odette as a family.

Nothing was said about it. She really was just an orphan who coincidentally resembles the late Duchess because of her platinum blonde hair and green eyes.

FL: Odette Odelia Grisel
She's the adoptive daughter of the duke and is considered as the eldest daughter. She was adopted when she was about 8-10 years old because she resembled the late Duchess with her platinum blonde hair and green eyes. However when it was checked with the temple and the wizards, it turned out she wasn't the lost daughter. Still, the Duke brought her home and adopted her, and treated her like a real daughter. (Huhu seriously the Duke is one of the best Rofan fathers out there)

ML: Shaitan/Raphael Efresco Alter Karem (spelling might be wrong since I only mtl-ed it)
He's the Crown prince of the empire and has an alter ego called Shaitan who is a wizard. As Raphael, he has black and purple eyes. As Shaitan, he has silver and Red eyes. The Empress spread rumours that he is a wanderlust that is neglecting his responsibilities as a prince, but the truth is, he is the one handling the emperor's duties behind the scenes. He cares for his younger sister.

There is no specific age stated but he is in his twenties(he's probably 20) and is older than Odette-who is officially 16 years old. However since Odette was an orphan whose real age is unknown, she said that she's probably a year or two older than berry(the youngest daughter of the duke who just turned 16) so she's probably 17-18years old.
Still, officially, she's the same age as Berry but berry treats her as an older sister. (There was also a point where there are nobles who treats them as twins even though they don't look alike, so they used that as a theme for their first tea party which was cute hehe)

How they met:
When Odette awakened as a wizard, there was an explosion of mana in her body, which caused her to collapse. The doctor cannot find out the cause so the Duke invited a Wizard and a Priest. Divine powers doesn't work on wizards so it only caused discomfort to Odette. Then the wizard checked and she was fine and it was confirmed that she is indeed a wizard. The Wizard introduced himself as Shaitan and he is the ML.. Shaitan stayed to teach Odette how to handle her mana and about magic. He became her teacher. He also told her that she could come with him to the Magic tower since all wizards in the empire are welcomed and protected there, but she chose to stay for awhile to help Berry for their social debut and teach her how to become a noble. Shaitan and Odette developed a close friendship.

Last edited: Sep 9, 2023

Stephyy,Sep 7, 2023


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Spoiler - The Fake Rides in a Flower Klin/A Fairy-Tale Ending For A Fake/가짜는 꽃가마를 탄다 (2025)
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